hey fellow creative
In 2020, she hosted a sold-out workshop in Lubbock TX and has also personally coached multiple struggling photographers who now run their own 6 figure businesses. Mikayla believes in not only helping you find success- but truly discover your joy, calling and purpose behind what you do so you can live life with clarity and abundance.
With 7 years of running a successful, thriving photography business, our owner and CEO, Mikayla, has a wealth of knowledge to share. For years she has run a multiple 6 figure business, invested tens of thousands of dollars in her own education, and knows personally what it's like to start, struggle, and rise to the top.
Investing in your own education should be a top priority to all entrepreneurs. You expect your clients to invest in you, but will YOU invest in you? In this cut throat industry, learning to stand out, how to run a business and not have it run you- is essential to your success and longevity. Mikayla is an expert in helping tailor personal business coaching to help you reach your goals.
Mikayla offers one time 90 minute coaching calls, or for bigger results: 3 - 6 month coaching programs.
Be the first to get notified when our education and mentorship options go live.
Money is a renewable resource. Time is non-renewable. Time is your most valued resource in this life because you will never get it back. Thinking you can run a business, take care of your family, and be a completely present mom is an unrealistic expectation of yourself. Stop trading your time for money, and instead trade your money for time...
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